Cory Henrickson.
Cory's classroom routines and instructional practices represent the ideal in positive classroom management. She goes above and beyond to engage all students including Salsa lessons, board games and also rigorous academic daily work. Finally, she does all of this 100% in the Target Language, even in her Spanish 1/2 classes!
Tamara Friedman
Sarah Morrison.
Sarah has a tremendous rapport with her Latin students. If you walk into her classroom on any given day you can see the magic.
Tamara Friedman
Xin Chen
Xin is our only Mandarin teacher. On her own she has created a tremendous program and this year hosted the first ever Cultural Chinese New Year Fair.
Tamara Friedman
Donatella Carta
Donatella worked hard this year to create a new IB/AP French class offering for the department. She's a dedicated teacher and works hard for her students.
Tamara Friedman
Claudia Gonzalez
Claudia consistently goes above and beyond her biology classes. She mentors our students through challenging internships and leads a HOSA group and also takes on the leadership council. She has been a great colleague for problem solving in our community.
Laurie Rodney
John Tobias
John has taken on his role with great energy and creativity. As a relatively new teacher, he has set up a classroom that is engaging and consistent- an environment that is critical for our demographics. In addition, John advises our student leadership taking every Wednesday of his lunch period to make things happen in our community.
Laurie Rodney
Daniella Maaze
As first year teacher, she is a stellar member of ELD and Spanish ½ team. Her students are some of the most struggling students in the school when it comes to literacy and she has created multi-domain language lessons that has lead to new learning for all. She put up with us sending her to AIM training in Canada, CM and Systematic ELD training last summer as well as doing her BTSA Inquiry while teaching three preps all as a new teacher to BHS this year. She amazingly wants to try it again next year. Thank God. We need this wonderful Brazillian ELD teacher who knows our ELD students experience in a personal way, because she also has left her family and friends behind to move to the Bay Area. We are so happy you are a part of our ELD family now. Daniella!
Heidi Ramirez-Weber
Carl Rogers
Carl goes above and beyond to help support students who need extra accommodations, modifications, an adult connection on campus and always strives to see the absolute best and wonderful potential of all students. He is also the model for a team player, always stepping up and taking on extra responsibilities within the BIHS learning community.
Sue Jones
We are going to truly miss Sue next year, as she enters the traveling and relaxing phase of her next career stage in life. Sue has led the BIHS department with her strengths in not only English, but her wisdom and insights, that yes...we all have actually listened to.
Nakia Baird
Walking into Nakia’s room during lunch it would be understandable to think that he has an assigned class during that time with the number of students he is tutoring, giving practice exams to, making up work, etc. Nakia has developed a structured way to help all students in class, and managed to balance the incredible work load of the BC/HL level course. We truly appreciate all of his long hours of work and his commitment to students.
Janice Moore
Janice is retiring after 20 years at BHS. She has created a curriculum that meets the needs of a huge range of learners. She manages to find the time to look for new ways to support students and was instrumental in bringing the Read Naturally Program to both the Special Education and EL departments. She reaches out to the General Education staff to make sure that they are receiving information and education in order to support students with learning challenges.She is known for her ability to work with our most challenging students while keeping her sense of humor. She will be missed!
Special Education
Vicki Augustine
Vicki joined the Green Academy and CAS this year and has brought tremendous enthusiasm to our Physics of Energy course, as well as our Chemistry classes. She is a great team member and always keeps a positive attitude.
Jana Luft, Hasmig Minassian, and Leah Katz
Morgan Tigerman
Morgan is a fabulous addition to the Green Academy. He provides students rigorous, engaging curriculum and has created numerous scaffolds to help them develop their analytic writing skills.
Jana Luft
Deborah Godner
Deborah has been with the Green Academy community since its inception. She rose to the challenge of teaching courses she had never taught before, still finding ways to encourage students to grapple with issues of social and environmental justice.
Jana Luft
Kate Garfinkel
Kate joined CAS last year and has become a pivotal member of our team. She took on a brand new math curriculum and always keeps kids at the center of her teaching. She models empathy and consistency as an instructor and colleague!
Hasmig & Leah
Ashley Daly
As a first year teacher, Ashley enthusiastically dove into CAS, IMP, and Berkeley High! She has ample energy and brings life and love for learning into her classroom. Ashley is particularly skilled at engaging all learners and has been shepherding kids through their own leadership roles in CAS.
Hasmig & Leah
Shelley Grant
A long time veteran of the classroom, we are lucky that Shelley is continuing her career as a science educator with CAS and Berkeley High. Shelley is great at pushing both students and her colleagues to do the deep, critical thinking required in progressive education. She is a seasoned teacher who models flexibility and collaboration for our whole team!
Hasmig & Leah
Ingrid Martinez
After 12 years in CAS, we appreciate Ingrid for the ways in which she passes on her love of learning and literature to the kids. She has built connections with so many students, some who are otherwise isolated or silenced at Berkeley High, and her passion for education is apparent in all she does. We are especially grateful for the work she’s done to recruit and nurture our Summer Search students in their leadership and travel adventures.
Hasmig & Leah
Shannon Erby
Mama Erbs is the heart and soul of AHA. Not only is her room Grand Central Station for all things happening, but Erby devotes countless time and energy to directly helping students, staff, and her community around her. This year she has taken on organizing the AHA Parent Council and really brought parent involvement and fundraising up to the next level. Erby leads by example every single day and we couldn’t do it without her!
Mat Glaser + Miriam Stahl
Gideon Goldman
Gideon is a voice of calm and wisdom in our community. He is a dedicated and steady presence to our team. Every Tuesday and Thursday, students can count on him to be available for them, and he is humble about his work. Response to my congratulations on 86% passage rate on CAHSEE- “ Congratulate the students, they took the test.”
Laurie Rodney
Rosa Guzman
Rosa has a fierce affection for her craft and her students. She has sought out mentors and guides working well with others as she deepens her skills. She is a born teacher!
Laurie Rodney
Leslie Tebbe
Might be the best English teacher I have ever had the privilege to work with.
Matt Carton
Douglas Keith
Douglas is a thoughtful Art teacher and always looking for ways to connect the projects to interdisciplinary topics. He brings in topics that range from the environment to studying different cultures around the world.
Andrea Sanguine
Lauren Benjamin
Works very hard to get student to reflect and write about the big issues in Art. Lauren uses the Studio Habits of Mind to guide student writing and gets students to think about their strengths, weaknesses, attitude about Art and themselves as Artists.
Andrea Sanguine
David Borrelli
The hardest working man in show business. He stays late, gives his students total focus and attention, and does all of this in a quiet and dignified way.
Matt Carton